It seems as though more and more apartment complexes are becoming “Pet Friendly.” A complex near where we live recently posted signs advertising this fact to everyone who drives by.
A different complex owner recently told me that he tried to fight it for a long time, but finally gave in and started allowing “small” pets. It seemed more and more people were asking him if he allowed pets, and by saying no, his rents were going empty. The reasons to ban pets usually involve the potential mess the pets will make in the apartment, the potential damages, the noise issues, and liability if a pet attacks someone or causes and injury to other in the complex.
But, for that last issue, I’ve recently read where it usually isn’t the landlord’s responsibility if a dog bites someone. As a pet owner you are the one liable. Just leasing premises to a tenant with a dog usually isn’t enough, by itself, to make a landlord legally responsible for a tenant’s dog. A court would have to prove that the landlord had prior knowledge that the animal in question was a danger to the community, which is difficult, if not impossible, in most cases.
As always, do your own research and don’t necessarily quote me on the above, I’m just writing some stuff I’ve read recently. But the good news is, more and more landlords are realizing that in order to give themselves a better chance of getting renters, they probably have to make some concessions and allow pets.
pets, dog, pets in apartment
More and more hotels are allowing pets too! Definitely glad to see pets being accepted in more places!
Pets are family to many people, and I agree, it's a nice trend to see.
It's good to see that the landlord doesn't have to take responsibility for the pets...if they did, then no one would ever allow pets.
You are right Rei more and more hotels and apartments are allowing pets now. Nice to hear about this.
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