Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Do You Talk To Your Pet?

All About Pets is pet website from the UK and they recently posted a survey asking if you talk to your pet. Not surprisingly, 97% of those taking the survey said yes.

Do animals know you're having a conversation with them? In some ways they do. They get to know certain phrases and certain actions that go with those phrases. Like it or not, humans are creatures of habit, and our furry pets, especially dogs, learn based on repetition, so it's no surprise that they know our habits.

I have conversations with my pets all the time. That doesn't mean they know what the heck I'm talking about, and they aren't going to solve the price of gas problem, but they do become a way for us as humans to vent, and provide therapy in so many ways.

What kind of conversations do you have with your pets?


Jan said...

My dogs know exactly what I am saying to them even if at times they pretend not to.

cube said...

I tell them that they MUST conform to my rules & regulations or else...

Christina said...

You know, now that I think about it... we usually talk about whats going on in their lives...

Anonymous said...

Absolutely I talk to my dogs, and my cat! And I'm certain they know what I'm saying because of their reactions. My cat is another story...I think she understands too, but she chooses not to react. She tends to keep that smug kitty look on her face!

Renee Nefe said...

My dog understands me perfectly. Just as I understand her. Her only wants in life are food and constant affection. And I do my best to make her earn both. Unfortunately my DH & DD give her whatever she wants, so she's risen above both of them in the pack and keeps trying to get above me. One would think that after 5 years she would get it that I'm always going to be the pack leader. Oh well.

I think my dog must have ADHD too because I'll ask her to come and she'll stop along the way to smell a leaf.

Tanny said...

I always talk to my dogs and parrots, and they understand me completely, are they talking back? sometimes yes, sometimes they pretend not hearing me. I am always amazed how smart they are.

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